The Impact Processed Foods Have on Your Body and Life

Making Healthier Choices

For many families, eating whole foods has become an important part of their daily life. Food that has been chemically processed or that has added preservatives is fairly inexpensive and easy to find.  


However, eating these processed foods daily can have a serious impact on your health. Here are a few reasons why you may want to consider changing your diet and consider eating organic foods. 

Sugar or High-Fructose Corn Syrup

Many processed foods and snacks have a lot of sugar or high-fructose corn syrup to give them a sweet, irresistible taste. But these foods contain more sugar than your body requires and can have a negative impact on your health.  


For starters, sugars provide what are known as “empty calories,” which means that they do not give your body much of what it needs apart from energy. However, the effects of excessive sugar can be far more severe. Too many sweets can cause insulin resistance, high cholesterol, and elevated levels of triglycerides. These things are associated with diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. 

Refined Carbohydrates

Different diet plans each take a different stance on carbohydrate intake. For some people, carbs are a primary source of energy. For others, like myself. I avoided eating carbs as much as possible for me to lose weight. Which worked! I lost 60 lb. by reducing my carb intake. 


However, whether you seek out carbs or stay away from them, the important thing is to go for carbs that come from whole foods rather than processed foods. 

The carbs that are usually found in processed foods are refined, “simple” carbs that are quickly broken down by our bodies. This leads to a spike in both blood sugar and insulin levels. 

Trans Fats

Processed foods often contain high levels of unhealthy trans fats. Trans fats and processed vegetable oils are linked to an increased risk of heart disease. These vegetable oils can be tough to avoid as a part of your diet since it has so many uses in the kitchen. Instead, try to use more wholesome oils such as olive oil or coconut oil.  

Low Levels of Fiber

Processed foods are typically low in fiber, which is also lost or removed during processing. But fiber has several positive effects on our bodies. It helps to get our digestive system going, which makes it effective at fighting constipation. Fiber also helps to boost the helpful bacteria in the intestines, which helps to promote healthy digestion.  

One of the most positive effects of fiber is that is slows down the rate that our bodies process carbs, which can help us to feel fuller for longer. 

Processed food can be hard to avoid. Not only is it commonplace at the supermarket, but also most fast-food restaurants use processed ingredients in preparing their meals.


Cutting down on processed foods will mean spending more money and sacrificing the luxury of being able to pick up a meal on the road at your convenience. But your body will thank you for it overall. Mine certainly did.

Within a six-month period, I lost 60 lb. by cutting back on my intake of carbohydrates. If I can do it, you certainly can. 




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